Got some questions....


New Member
Sep 17, 2003
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Ok I'm debating between a 55 or a 75 which would you recomend for a marine aquarium?

Next, do you have to have live rock? And if I do get live rock will I still need a filter for it?

When do you add salt? Just when you do water changes and the initial set up?

Is there any other nutrients etc I will have to add to the tank? I'm thinking fish only now with maybe the live rock.

Thank you for your help! :p
I would say bigger the better in tank sizes.

you don't need live rock but i would reccamend it.

you will still need a filter.I would advise you have a small external filter, a large external filter live rock and a GOOD protein skimmer. fill the large external with biological media and put carbon and rowaphos in the smaller one. you will also need a couple of powerheads for water circulation round the tank.

you will need to add tyhe salt just after you fill it and then just to the new water whren you do water changes (which shoul be RO water)

you may need to add Iodine, strontium, calcium etc etc as the system develops depending on what you want to have in it.

if you want corals, then you will also need either T5's or metal halide lighting.

once the tank is up to temperature and the live rock has gone in, then leave it in the darkness for a month doing nothing to it. then you will need to add your clean up crew which will consist of hermits snails starfish and shrimps.
Ok I'm debating between a 55 or a 75 which would you recomend for a marine aquarium?

75 definitely. Bigger is better if you have the money and space for it...

Next, do you have to have live rock? And if I do get live rock will I still need a filter for it?

No, you don't have to have LR, but LR does help filter the water. Filtering the water w/ or w/out LR is a matter of personal preference. Some people simply have LR, live sand bed and a good skimmer. Others add misc. "helpers" to that. Maybe a refugium stocked with more LR and macroalgae and a supplemental filter (wet/dry, canister, whatever). Different strokes for different folks. I agree with ste2k3 "filter live rock and a GOOD protein skimmer". I use all of those.

When do you add salt? Just when you do water changes and the initial set up?

Yes, initial set-up and water changes. SPG range is anywhere from 1.020 to 1.025 for most systems. No SPG is perfect, 20-25 is just the norm and seems to provide the best atmosphere. Stability is the important thing. IMO refractometers are superior to hydrometers and worth the investment.

Is there any other nutrients etc I will have to add to the tank?

Can be helpful. I use Sea Lab's Formula 28. There are many on the market. I'm sure other's will chime in on it to help you out too.
Make sure that the fish that you're getting can handle whatever size tank you're getting. Also, you can or can not add nutrients. Sometimes they're helpful, but always be sure you're not adding anything harmful before you start dumping it into your tank.

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