got otos, plecs, and hatchets coming


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I'm all excited. I've got 3 Orange BN plecs and 8 otos due to arrive Friday! :kana:

They wouldn't let me specify a pair but I've got a shot at a pair. :)

I'm really excited. And an extra ten usg just dropped in my lap--already cycled. I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough places to do the acclimation and quarantine. But TA_DA!

(There are also 11 Marthae Silver hatchets for me. A Humus Picasso Triggerfish and a Niger Triggerfish will go to a saltwater tank at work.)

So I'll let you know. :band:
Congrats on the new fishies - bit of luck getting a cycled tank too. Fab!! :cool:
:D :D :D :D

Love your signature or what ever it's called. Still looking for mine.
Thank you - one day, you sig will just pop into sight; it took me ages to find the right one I liked!! ;)

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