Fish Crazy
I got my 29gal today along with filter and heater and stuff. I bought special sand that says you dont have to cycle if you use it. Is that true?
I got my 29gal today along with filter and heater and stuff. I bought special sand that says you dont have to cycle if you use it. Is that true?
I got my 29gal today along with filter and heater and stuff. I bought special sand that says you dont have to cycle if you use it. Is that true?
What kind of sand? If you want a healthy tank you should get some live rock and let that thing cycle.
Live sand is extra hurrumph. The main cycling factor is the live rock tho'. If you used 'non' live sand, the tank would cycle from the LR anyway. SH
Don't add any fish to your tank until well after the cycle is finished.
Adding fish now is:
1 - Cruel to the fish who have to live in ammonia soup
2 - Not needed as the live rock die-off will cycle the tank without the need for fish waste
3 - Limiting to future stocking as you will already have a tank that is basically full of aggressive, territorial fish