Got My Tank Today!


Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento CA
I got my 29gal today along with filter and heater and stuff. I bought special sand that says you dont have to cycle if you use it. Is that true?
I got my 29gal today along with filter and heater and stuff. I bought special sand that says you dont have to cycle if you use it. Is that true?

What kind of sand? If you want a healthy tank you should get some live rock and let that thing cycle.
I got my 29gal today along with filter and heater and stuff. I bought special sand that says you dont have to cycle if you use it. Is that true?

What kind of sand? If you want a healthy tank you should get some live rock and let that thing cycle.

Its this sand with special bacteria and stuff. But ya im getting live rock tomorrow
Live sand is extra hurrumph. The main cycling factor is the live rock tho'. If you used 'non' live sand, the tank would cycle from the LR anyway. SH
Live sand is extra hurrumph. The main cycling factor is the live rock tho'. If you used 'non' live sand, the tank would cycle from the LR anyway. SH

OH CRAP! I spent 40$ for that sand. Im getting live rock tommorow and the guy at lps said i could add 2 or 3 blue/green chromis. Is this true?
ha ha ya my first week i got a few tryped of damsels so chromis's and damsels are pretty hardy ALTHOUGH word of caution they need careful acclimation or 1 desease from stress can break out and kill them all i know from experience im on my second run of fish and theyve done waaaay better cuz i spent an hour acclimating them read up on the drip method and everything or ask me i culd tell you...
Don't add any fish to your tank until well after the cycle is finished.

Adding fish now is:

1 - Cruel to the fish who have to live in ammonia soup

2 - Not needed as the live rock die-off will cycle the tank without the need for fish waste

3 - Limiting to future stocking as you will already have a tank that is basically full of aggressive, territorial fish
Don't add any fish to your tank until well after the cycle is finished.

Adding fish now is:

1 - Cruel to the fish who have to live in ammonia soup

2 - Not needed as the live rock die-off will cycle the tank without the need for fish waste

3 - Limiting to future stocking as you will already have a tank that is basically full of aggressive, territorial fish

Chromis are aggressive?
Live sand is rarely live once it has sat on the shelf for a couple of weeks and gone through vast temperature changes etc, In my view it is a completely pointless purchase.

Get GOOD QUALITY cured live rock, about 10KG minimum for your size tank and you will find the tank cycles quicker.

Sounds like you need a marine test kit though if you havent already got one.


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