got my stuff


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
Northeast U.S.
i got my sw inverst and stuff today, you can check it out in my profile im too lazy to type them all :D, i just have a question on my cycle. my tank has been running for 3-4 weeks and 1 1/2 weeks with live rock, my nitrites are at almost 0 and my nitrates are at 5, and no ammonia, am i through the cycle or just beginning :S :S , its a good thing the stuff i bought did not cost more than 15.00.
thanx :D
-s.s.- :D
a zebra damsel is a good fish to start out with due to them being able to stand some of the parameters at the end of the cycle in a new tank. your inverts you added should do just fine and help with the algae out-break. as far as the zebra damsel in a 5 1/2 gallon tank he maybe the only fish you can have. he will become very aggressive and fight other fish for space, especially in such a small tank. you could have maybe a small algae bloom at the end of the cycle with the inverts hopefully they can handle it.

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