Got My New Pepper Corys!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2007
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Hey everyone..............went to Petsmart today and picked up 5 Pepper Cory's. They are doing great and they stay together and never get far from each other. I really love em!
I posted some in the show us your tanks section! Let me know what you think!
Ok, so I'm really loving these new cories and I want to add some green emeralds, if that's the name for them. I have 2 guppies, 2 mollys, 2 platys, and about 12 baby mollies in a 28 gallon tank. If I were to add 3 Emerald Cory's, would this be too crowded? Also, would the 5 Pepper Cory's school with the 3 Emeralds?
Well, today I went to my local pet store and picked up 3 more cory's. I'm not too sure what kind they are though. The 5 Cory's I got yesterday were Peppers, but these 3 new ones are lighter color, and have a dark top fin and head, and have a lot of black dots on them. Will these school with my peppers?
Anyone? I'm really loving these fish............and I want to get some Green Emeralds now, but I think I am stocked enough. I have 8 cory's now, and they're my favorite fish!
Yes, thanks. The other 3 new ones are Schwartzi cory's? Thanks for that link!

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