Got My Horsefield Tortoise


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2007
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hi all been trying to load pics on but it wont let me got him earlier 2nite he about 3-4 inch long so cute my son loves him he called him squirt from finding nemo bless him he was excited and diddnt want to go to bed he is only 3 bless,trying my best to upload pics its just not having it
he come with a tortoise table with 2 clip on lights one blue and one normal heat light one for each end of table
I have finally found a pet my son can have as he has skin allergies and cant have anything with fur,he has servere atopic eczma and is allways in bandages and in and out of hospital with infected skin, i have not seen him this happy for well for ever reli lol

How big is the table and are both of the lamps heat lamps?

It's essential that you supply a temperature gradient and UV light, just hoping to make sure squirt stays happy ;) :good:
Remember to teach him to wash up after handling the tortoise, and if it's a very young one, not to handle him much cos the stress could cause him to get sick (the tort, not your son.) Babies are always delicate. Thats one great thing about folks with allergies or skin issues and can't have furry critters, reptiles can always fit the bill.
hi all
the table is 2foot by 3 foot one is a heatlight the others a blue daytime light? aparentley the parents have growen up with this sort of lighting for the past 30 tears and they are gr8 ,:S i dont know a thing so help is welcomed he arrived 7.30 last nite he wouldnt eat anything he had a poo then a white wee??????????????
2 nite he has had some cabbage leafs small munch of cucumber and water credd dusted with nutrobol dust stuff,

my son picked him up thismorning was weary of him but he loves him washes hands before and after handeling i make him use alcohol gel also after he has put squirt back just to kill ne germs he missed

forgot to say he is about 3n a half inches he would fit in the palm of ur hand snug ne 1 no roughley what gae he may be
hi all
the table is 2foot by 3 foot one is a heatlight the others a blue daytime light? aparentley the parents have growen up with this sort of lighting for the past 30 tears and they are gr8 ,:S i dont know a thing so help is welcomed he arrived 7.30 last nite he wouldnt eat anything he had a poo then a white wee??????????????
2 nite he has had some cabbage leafs small munch of cucumber and water credd dusted with nutrobol dust stuff,

my son picked him up thismorning was weary of him but he loves him washes hands before and after handeling i make him use alcohol gel also after he has put squirt back just to kill ne germs he missed

forgot to say he is about 3n a half inches he would fit in the palm of ur hand snug ne 1 no roughley what gae he may be

Don't feed him cabbages, broccoli, brussels or Spinach-these block calcium absorption. The best thing for him is out in your garden unless you use pesticides; weeds have the best nutrition for a tortoise. If you can't use those- I fed my pair dandelion (store bought) greens, romaine, green leaf, red leaf lettuces, sometimes spring mix of baby greens and then added a little tomato, not much, shredded zucchini or Italian squash-what the difference is, I dunno-they can also take endive, collard greens, mustard greens, and many kinda of flowers like rose petals, hyacinth,dandelions. You should use a fine powdered supplement 1x a week. Also, there is an issue of fibre in his diet. ZooMed makes a product for grassland tortoises, here's a link:


See if you can find this and add this, crumbled(you can soak it and it'll be mushy, just as good-and mix in maybe 2-3x a week.

The poo should be firm, not runny and the white is urates-they don't pee like us-their built to hold as much water as they can, so that's basically dry pee. Adding the fiber rich stuff I mentioned will help keep his poo normal. Fiber is important with them.
It's normal for them to start feeding slow, he's in a new place and not used to you yet. Give him time, he'll come round.
The blue lamp is almost certainly going to be giving off heat aswell.

For your tortoise to be able to control it's body temperature properly it needs a cooler end and a warmer end to it's enclosure, ideally the heat source should be at one end and thermostatically controlled.
You can use a visible heatlamp for raising temperatures during the day and if required a ceramic or red heatlamp can be used overnight.
To thermoregulate your tortoise will move in and out of different temperature zones when it needs to, if these arent available, or the whole enclosure is heated to a constant temperature then he may have problems.

Here's some super basic simplified info to start with incase you need it :)

"Common Name: Horsfields/Russian Tortoise

Scientific name: Testudo horsfieldi

Originates From This tortoise is Asiatic, being found although in relatively low numbers, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Eastern Iran, Western China and throughout the southerly regions of Russia.

Most Active During: Daylight, Diurnal

Size: Females 8-10" Males slightly smaller around 8"

Sexing: Males have a longer more pointed tail which is usually held sticking directly out, whereas females have shorter stubbier tails which are often curved round within the boundary of the shell.

Water Supply: These tortoises must have a very shallow low sided water dish in which to bathe and possibly drink from at all times. They need no more than a centimetre of water, water should be replaced each day and immediately if fouled by the tortoise.

Substrate: My recommended substrate is "Tortoise Life" compacted grass pellet, which allow the tortoise to burrow as it is naturally inclined to do but without risk of internal damage if eaten. Care must be taken to ensure that substrate does not get ingested along with the animals food, this can be done by the use of a large flat low sided feeding dish.

UV Lighting: Horsfields Tortoises require UV lighting in order to synthesise Vitamin D3 and therefore utilise Calcium in their diet for growth. An 8.0 tube placed within at least 12" of the basking site is required. UV tubes should be on for 12-14 hours per day and should be replaced every 6-8 months.

Humidity Requirements: Their natural environment is semi arid, in the wild they dig deep burrows in order to increase humidity and avoid dehydration. As long as a captive tortoise is allowed to bathe in chin-deep water, or if it does not naturally choose to it should be bathed three times a week, your will not need to worry about possible dehydration.

Temperatures and Heating Equipment: Horsfields tortoises require a basking spot of around 95F and daytime temperatures ranging between 80-90F. Nighttime temperatures should be maintained between 70-75F. Tortoises are more suited to heating from above, so either an incandescent or ceramic lamp should be used to maintain the temperatures, heat mats are not really suitable. Daytime temperatures should coincide with the hours in which the UV tube is being used.

Housing: These tortoises are best housed in an open topped tortoise table of a minimum area of 2'x4'.

Decor: No other furnishings than a hidebox in both the cooler and warmer areas of the vivarium are required, these tortoises do not climb and their movement will only be hindered by the addition of fake plants, rocks or wood. Alfalfa hay can be used in the cooler end as a sleeping area for your tortoise.

Diet: 100% Herbivorous. These Tortoises should be fed a diet of high fibre and calcium, low protein foods. Watery foods such as lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and fruits are unsuitable. The foods should be dry since this animal is adapted to getting the most out of high fibre dry foods. Suitable foods include; Grass hay, alfalfa hay, grass, dandelion, clover, mulberry or grape leaves, butternut squash, curly kale and loose leaved cabbage. Spinach and Broccoli are a good addition in smaller amounts, the following can be fed much more occaisonally; greenbeans, carrots, squash, hibiscus. Calcium and multivitamin supplimentation of foods is essential to your tortoises growth."

:) Lotte*

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