Got My First Set Of Fish

tropical fishies

Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Leeds, Uk
hia agian

yep i got 4 sunset platties from my lfs yesterday
im eally pleased with them, i got 1 male and 3 females and they seem very happy in my tank, and when in a a week and a half or so im going to introduce my next fish/fishes

i want to get a good fish thats not small, and will look good in my tank.. like a fighter or somthing?? any ideas??
my tanks is a 60L 60cmx 30cm tank filtered by a elite stingray filter, it is lightly planted with a single peice of bogwood

any ideas? espically catfish, and i love glass suckers!

U can get some cories are nice. bettas arent that fine they are hard to keep.
No no don't get A ( as in 1 ) cory. They need to be in groups of 4 or more ( preferably more ) .

You could get a pair of lace gouramis, they're not too huge and are really very attractive.

No no don't get A ( as in 1 ) cory. They need to be in groups of 4 or more ( preferably more ) .

You could get a pair of lace gouramis, they're not too huge and are really very attractive.
cool thanks!

would a cory or an otto or 2 be best or even a bristlenose?

As Honeythorn stated if you get cories they need to be in a group, I would say about 6 is good. I beleive otto's need at least 3 per group.

BN's are very good and can be kept on their own although they produce alot of poop :lol:
a betta would be a hit and miss situation, some do ok with tank mates some don't, i suppose you rcould try pick a laid back one, but you'd have to be prepared to seperate if needed, a BN would be fine in your tank
tiger barbs are pretty aggressive fish and need to be in groups of at least 8 which is too much for your tank
Although if you wanted to get a fighter you could get a male with either a group of cories or a group of harlequins.

Otherwise female fighters are much better community fish and can be house with more although not any fish which resembles a male fighter such as guppies. Females are still very beautiful :hey:

Tiger barbs are also not great fish if you want to keep fish with nice tails and certainly a nono with angels and fighters as they are very nippy, especially when not kept in a big enough group, which doesn't leave you with a great deal of choice for the rest of the tank.


*Sorry just reread your original post, any fighter prob aint a good idea with the platies although if you had your heart set on them you could always take the platies back to the LFS?
no thats fine, i looked at lace gourami's very nice, but are you sure that a pair wouldnt be too big? or what about guppies with platties....a live bearer tank! would that work, as i want to be pleased with my tank, and i dont really care that much about the main attraction. as guppies look freaking awsome!

i think ill get a bristlenose, orsome cories aswell

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