Got Fry?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 14, 2003
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:kana: :D :lol:
:kana: :kana: I got fry!!! :kana: :kana:
lol... I woke up yesterday morning and to my surprise I had a tank with a bunch of little extra fish! The female that had them wasn't even as big around as my other females right now, but my last count was 7 fry! All eating and darting around the tank like healthy fish, I am so excited :D This is my first batch of hopefully many... Just had to brag! :D
:hyper: congrats........i hafd my forst batch of fry too on sat night......she was a half black as so happy, i conted 22 of them.........feels like ive been waiting forever...........
Thanks, and congrats Dreams!! It feels like I have been waiting forever too, but it was worth it. I was expecting the other female to have her fry first (she is super huge, bigger than the half-black that delivered) and lost some fry to other guppies (at least thats the biggest possibility). I keep finding more and more fry... I have eight - wait, 9... 10...11... :hyper: lol
:thumbs: same with me... i counted 1 and was kinda disappointed... then the next day i found another... i have 3 in total.... theyre about 3 weeks old... all females tho :( BOORING.... i want some colorful crazy males.... but o well... i guess i'll take what i can get... now lets just hope they don't die 8)
i know how you all feel. I had my guppy fry about two weeks ago then i got a two gallon hex tank to put them in. I had a lot more but, my demon frogs had a feast with them lol I was real excited and i watched her have them it was so cool!!!!!!!!!
how exciting for you all! i'm so jealous -_- i want that many fry too! i only got one right now that's almost 2wks old and i don't think there are anymore. but i wasn't even expecting cos i didn't know any of my platies were pregnant - drat! but the little guys do bring joy to the tanks :wub:

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