Got Eggs !


May 17, 2006
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Virginia, U.S.A.
Came home from shopping yesterday and glanced at the tank. It looked like the cories were fighting. Looked closer and what did I see but Blondie holding a bunch of eggs in her fins. They spent all afternoon laying eggs. On the glass, the filter, and the thermometer, The eggs are all over the place. Poor frooggie didn't know what was going on his partner was ignoring him and "playing" with that strange fish. Poor guy followed her all over the tank. She finally finished at around 9p.m. and her and Froggie went into the stump. I guess if all goes well I may have baby cats. Wonder what they'll look like? Blondie is albino and the dad a dwarf bronze. This should be interesting as I've never had egglayers breed.
Hi madmom :)

If you've decided to save the eggs, have you made up your mind whether you will be moving them or the other occupants of the tank? :unsure:

The other most important thing to think about is what you will feed the fry. If you are going to go with microworms, you will probably want to get a culture going as soon as possible. It will take a little while before they reproduce enough to provide enough food for the babies. :D
To tell the truth I wasn't expecting them to breed but I'm gonna try to. I have to wait till 1:00 when the stores open to get the culture. Luckily my fry tank is empty so I guess I'll put them there. It's a little small 2.5 gal but I hope it will do until I can get another tank in here ( i.e. convince ; the old grouch, that there is room for one more ). Well at least now I know which is male and female :lol:
Hi madmom :)

The little tank will be fine to hatch them in and I'm pretty sure the "old grouch" will come around once he sees how cute the babies will be. :nod:

You might have to get the microworms on AquaBid since most lfs consider them too much work to keep up. Since you only have to buy them once, they don't want to be bothered. You might want to get some LiquiFry to start the fry out with until your microworms get growing. If you don't have an air pump and airstone, get one of those too. A small, cheap one will do fine.

Isn't this exciting? :unsure: I never get tired of helping people raise little corys! :D
The tank came with a pump and airstone luckily. I'll look for the liquifry and check out Aquabid. It is exiting. My little girl thought they were fighting and trying to bite each other till I showed her that one was carrying eggs. The eggs are all over the filter and one wall. I tried to count them but lost count at 60.

Congratulations! Those aeneus are ready breeders regardless of their pigment. You will be selling aeneus in no time! Another strumpet aeneus mama. :lol:
Looks like no babies this time. :/ Checked this morning and the eggs were fuzzy. Guess I didn't add the meth blue early enough. Had to go out and find it. Maybe next time as I'm now ready for the possibility of eggs.
Hi madmom :)

That's too bad! :/

But keep a close eye on them for the next few weeks. It's likely that you'll see more eggs soon. This time you have the methy blue and since you have experienced moving them, you will be less likely to cause damage to them.

In fact, if you can clone the little tank using a box filter and some filter media from your big tank, you could move the pair into it and remove them (leaving the eggs in place) after they have spawned. That's the best way to insure the largest hatching rate possible. :D
Cool. I have an empty fish food container I can make into a mini filter. I'll keep an eye on them and do that.

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