Got Crabs??


New Member
Aug 10, 2003
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I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 platies, a Rainbow guarami, 2 Tiger barbs, a bristlenose, and some blue Guarami with wavy lines on it (can anyone tell me what this is???) I heard from a friend that crabs are pretty cool and fun to watch. But, I was wondering if they are agressive and if they would eat my fish. Thanks. :D
Blue Gourami with wavey lines sounds like a Dwarf Neon-Blue.
Crabs are pretty cool, and may work well with a community tank, but be prepared because they are night stalkers and opportunity predators. If they find a fish sleeping within their reach they wll probably try to make a meal out of it.
Thanks puffer. This fish isnt a Dwarf Neon Blue. Its pretty thin and two thin things coming out of its body. I always wondered what those were :)
yeah I got crabs but the Dr gave me some cream.

(Im so sorry this isnt meant to make fun...)

That was for you william!

BTW crabs can be evil, they'll eat half your fish if you give them a chance.
i deffo aint got crabs......ive even been to a clinic to make sure........and i always bleach down below b4 i......ahem.....anywayyyyyyy
LoL...make sure you don't get corys as well .... ;) :p

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