Got Carried Away........listend To The Lfs


Sep 18, 2011
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Ok, heart ruled head, i was in the LFS getting food and talking to the fish man. Started telling about plec's i said they get too big and dig my plants up.

Oh no these butterfly plecs will be fine, ok. Well now their home i cant find anything on THESE fish. The only thing i'm sure of is they aren't butterfly. Nor are they common or bristlenose as far as i can tell.

I'll get pics up once the phones charged, these 2 stick like the preverbial to the glass, slate whatever and seem to streamline themselves keeping their dorsall fins and tail fins flat. They are brown with small yellow spots.

Anybody give me a clue,
could it be a hong-kong plec? (Beaufortia kweichowensis) they have quite a few common names- butterfly hillstream loach, Chinese butterfly loach, Chinese sucker and Borneo Sucker are the ones I've seen around me
i would agree from the description, ive heard these called butterfly plecs. dont get very big at all far as i know, and ive only ever seen them stuck to the glass.
Yep, thats the ones. Now i have the proper name i could find out about them properly.

Bout as suitable for my tank as great white shark.

"Large pebbles gravel with little or no sand and minimal planting, very fast water and high oxygen with massive light levels."

I have sand, edged slate that is hardly smooth, slow water and normal surface oxygen change over and planting, without even a spraybar . Aside from which the 25 degrees of the tank temp is too high. :angry:

Taking them back tommorow.
I have 8 of the little gems (Borneo Suckers... I refuse to call them any of the pleco names as they are a loach), mine are in a 4ft tank with plants, sand and a few rocks and pieces of timber. Mine are often down on the sand or happily cleaing the large leaves of my various swords, or on any of their rocks or the timber. My tanks temp in winter is usually around 22 degrees cel and in summer is now nudging 30 degrees cel, and my Borneos have never looked back. I don't have huge currents in my tank (in fact mine usually steer clear of to much current) and only have a HOB filter and 1 bubble wall and 1 air stone. I would strongly suggest that you try to correctly idnetify which type of Borneo Sucker you have as their is a whole swag of them often simply sold under the 1 common name.

This site might help you

Basically not all of the Hillstream loaches come from turbulent water that is super cool so knowing which one you have will help you give them the best possible home or rehome if necessary.
Mine are happy to clean around the tank, as well as eat tropical flakes, aglea wafers and shrimp pellets, they don't seem all that fussed about bloodworms nor have I seen them show the slightest bit of interest in my cherry and crystal red shrimp that also live in the tank. They also share the tank with some corydoras catfish and all is peaceful.
Not really sure what the exact spiecies was, they were brown with yellow spots, very much like a common plec and the front fins didn't stretch nearly so far down the body as the ones in the pic on the link above.

The bit that had them returning whence they came was the tank took on a very odd feel. The harlequins went into a tight shoal and the panda's dissapeared from sight for quite a while.

Don't know why and probably never will. Maybe the other fish sensed they were stressed dunno. It hasn't hapend with the Bristlenose that replaced them or the Columbians when they went in, although they are boss of the harlequins. No violence but there is a visible pecking order in the tank now.

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