Got Any Advice?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Washington State
Hello.. I am fairly new to this board and just wanted to ask some questions. I am a betta owner who has just recently decided to dive into the world of breeding. These wouldn't be my first bettas by far, but it would still be awesome if I could get confirmation from experts such as yourselves. :D

I have a one gallon aquarium cube which I was planning on using for the general spawning process. I heard that 5 gallons are popular, but also that a one gallon can be used as the minimum. I am worried about taking out the fry to clean the water. Is it true that I can gradually fill the water level after the fry begin to swim in order to improve water quality? If so, how long would you suggest I do this?

:D I really hope these questions aren't too silly!
I am fairly new to breeding too but never use a one gallon, that's not nearly enough space. 5 gallons would be the bare minimum. Imagine all the dirty water in a one gallon for all these fry.
If you have a 5 gallon, yeah you can gradually fill up the water after they are free swimming.
I suggest that u use a bigger tank and put some plants.

When I do breeding I don't do water change til they are 2 weeks old, these fry eats micro worms that should grow in ur tank.

These fry will be so hungry when they r free swimming don't starve them or they will die.

Post up some pictures so we can see.

Happy breeding.

Thanks :D I'll be sure to use a bigger tank.. it's nice to know that the gradually filling thing will work.
Thanks :D I'll be sure to use a bigger tank.. it's nice to know that the gradually filling thing will work.

People have different styles in rearing Bettas and raising fry mice is more of the Thai way.

Rule of the Thumb ! just do which ever works for you ;)

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