Got a ton of cherry shrimp

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I’ve been trying to leave them alone ( a 10 gallon ) today I skimmed off a medium sized net of Giant Duckweed, to take out to the Tilapia tanks… even carefully skimming the top, I ended up with 2 in the net… with less surface plants I can see maybe 50 or more in that tank

salvaged from the net, back into the cherry tank you go...
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Tried not to intentionally put them in the Tilapia tank, but this duckweed went into the vegetable tank, that has my breeding pair in it, and there is lots more cover in that tank… the other grow out tanks are empty of any scape, so they would likely get tasted in those tanks…

2 different breeding colonies went into this 10 gallon, from 2 different sources, hoping for a better gene pool
So this tank got set up with RO water, but has only been getting straight well water the last 6 months or so, and is cooler, in the low 70’s… as far as the Platy’s, there was one pair, and there are 5-6 babies bigger than an inch…

Wish my scud colony had prospered like these cherrys… not sure what the maximum capacity of a 10 gallon would be, but I must be close, may have to spread a few around…
I've been wanting to try a few of these tiny bumble bee Oto's... I think this would be a good tank for the lil guys, & help keep the glass cleaner, so I can actually see the shrimp & platy's... these guys are only between 1/2 inch, & 1 inch long...

I've been wanting to try a few of these tiny bumble bee Oto's... I think this would be a good tank for the lil guys, & help keep the glass cleaner, so I can actually see the shrimp & platy's... these guys are only between 1/2 inch, & 1 inch long...

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Those are gorgeous, I've never seen them before!
I'm finding out there a lot of different Oto's out there, also... I've got 4 of the Bumbees coming, to put in the Cherry Shrimp tank, and a pair of these galaxies coming as well, for a different tank.... most of my last Zebras have survived... fingers crossed on these 2 new to me varieties...
I've been wanting to try a few of these tiny bumble bee Oto's... I think this would be a good tank for the lil guys, & help keep the glass cleaner, so I can actually see the shrimp & platy's... these guys are only between 1/2 inch, & 1 inch long...

View attachment 348040
Oh my goodness! I've never seen these before, even as an oto nut, and now I want some so badly! 😍
Just read up on the Bumblebee, thinking I need a small bushy, to put in the cherry tank, the bumblebee’s like it warmer and softer than the cherry tank of they look healthy, and I choose not to quarantine, I think they’ll go not the South American Tetra tank

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