Got a spare 5 gallon


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Jan 17, 2005
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I was given a free 5 gallon tank (long) with a 10 gallon filtration system. I want a densely planted tank (was thinking anubias nana petite, java fern, java moss, micro sword, anything else that is small). About the fish, I have a couple of choices (add more if you can): 5 neon tetras OR 1 kribensis OR just plants. Any suggestions?
Neon tetras prefer more swimming space than a 5 gallon. Not sure on the kribensis, but don't they get around 4-5 inches? That would be overstocking a bit.

I would just get some sort of betta (like a crowntail or halfmoon) and then heavily plant the tank. It would be pretty.
Well I already have another 5 gallon that my best male betta is currently residing. I also have two female bettas seperated but I'm afraid it might be a bit overstockin (peckin order and whatnot).
You could try a pair of male guppies? Or a male and female if you are willing to keep most of the fry.

Now that I think about it more, a very heavily planted tank with dark sand and 4-6 albino cories would be awesome looking. afraid there isn't much other than a betta you can put in it that will be happy which in the end, is the problem with 5gals...
1. Five male guppies and some ghost shrimp.

2. Four or five ADFs and ghost shrimp. (are we noticing a pattern? lol)

3. Split it for two bettas.

That's all I can think of at the moment.... :dunno:
Um, im afraid the one-inch-per-gal will not work for guppys and most other fish, and besides few of them will stay at one inch long each- you need to take more into acount of how much space a fish actually needs than just what it can fit into.
Last time I checked I have never had or seen a male guppy over an inch when you don't count it's tail. The one inch rule works for fish under two inches, which includes guppies. And people have been told you can keep an ADF in a one gallon tank, therefore four or five in a five gallon tank is not pushing it, especially with 10 gallon filter and lots of plants.
All my guppys are at least 2inchs+. And no, you still need to take into consideration the fish's community or space needs even if they are only 1inch long.
You have male guppies with just the body two inches long? And no, I don't think it would be pushing it with four or five male guppies, they swim in all layers, not just at the top or bottom, and don't usually school unless waiting for food. People split five gallons into three sections for male bettas, which are much bigger than any guppy, and they don't mention anything about not having enough room.
Male bettas prefer smaller living areas and slow current/filter flow though, ask anyone who knows a decent amount on bettas on the betta section of the forum that and they'll tell you that, guppys need alot of swimming space around them and five in a 5gal will be very, very crampt.
I see your logic, but it doesn't work in this situation. Its like putting a 10inch plec in a 10gal.
Well I also thought of splitting the 5 gallon but the current would be waaay too strong unless I can find a solution to slow the current down. How about just all out plants? I mean fish are the optionals since I've always wanted a planted tank no matter how small.
2 inch guppies?
the biggest guppy ive seen was 1 inchand that was a female

a few guppys might work :thumbs:

I'm not at all an expert but all the guppies I've kept (now and 30 years ago) have been very active in the tank; would they really be happy with such a small swimming space?

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