Got a pleco question… can different L numbers breed???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Often times on some of these fringe L number fish… you know the ones that there are 4-5 fish with different numbers, that can be hard to tell apart… wondering if they might often breed…specifically my Gold Nugget, where there are 5-6 different L numbers that look similar… I wouldn’t mind getting another couple, just to maybe breed later, but there is no guarantee that I’d get the exact same L number fish…. Thoughts???

Buying looks like this…
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Close up of this picture, looks like 2 different size spots on these fish, in the same tank
I'm still new to the pleco game, you need someone like @CassCats , @TwoTankAmin @Naughts or @DoubleDutch for this question, I'm afraid! Sorry. :)

I do know that some can cross. My L181's are basically a "fancy bristlenose". So are my "white snowball" ancistrus and long fin Green Dragons. Line bred variations that could hybridise if in the same tank and right conditions.
Seems a daunting task when mail ordering fish… and I think there can be significant lifestyle/ diet differences between a couple of these, even though they look similar…
Seems a daunting task when mail ordering fish… and I think there can be significant lifestyle/ diet differences between a couple of these, even though they look similar…

If you use a reliable source, you should be okay. When the fish arrives and can be put in clean (temp acclimated & declhorinated) water, put it into a see through container to snap photos from the sides, above, and ideally below as well. Try to get a clear shot of the dorsal, because counting the dorsal rays can tell some species apart. If you've ordered a certain species and your baby looks wrong, remember that juvenile colouration can change a good deal once mature, and check out pics for "your L number species, juvenile" to see.

Planet Catfish and the catfish section here are good for ID-ing them!
Knowing from own expereince, those L-numbers can crossbreed with another and have fertile offspring.

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