got a pic of our new Ram


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2003
Reaction score
North Of England

he's looking pretty happy now :D
we got 2 of them, 1 is definatly male but the other i'm not sure about...think he's a male as well but its not as easy to tell
can rams be compatible with red tail shark, platties, painted fish and bronze corys? or r they too agressive, same with tiger barbs, r they compatible with my fish?
beutiful fish a real sweet heart does it get allong with the others i cant quite make out what those shoeling fish around it are some kind of tetra? the ram look bigenough to take care of itself in that respect. hope she likes her new home.
Jamnog Posted on Jun 14 2003, 01:22 AM
beutiful fish a real sweet heart does it get allong with the others i cant quite make out what those shoeling fish around it are some kind of tetra?

They get on really well with all our other fish in there, the Tetra that you can see is a glowlight. The Rams even get on with the Tiger Barbs, so far no trouble at all apart from the 2 rams who dont seem to like each other that much but they occupy different ends of the tank now.

FYI i've named one Neil & the other is called Crazy Horse! :band: :fish:

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