Got A New Female Betta


New Member
Jul 24, 2008
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Hey everyone!!! Just thought I would join this forum as the proud owner of a female betta. I got her from petsmart, and she is really pretty a white body with short dark and light purple fins :hyper: . She is in a nice, planted 5 gallon eclipse tank with 2 neon tetras as I will be getting a few more as they are small. There is no aggression and the neons keep together and the female betta swims about and thats it. So thought I would say hey!!! :D
Hiya - welcome to the forum. Your female betta sounds lovely - shame there wasn't a pic of her for us to admire (maybe next time, eh?).

Hope she brings you lots of joy! My purple female betta is one of the friendliest fish I own. If I put my finger on the tank glass she swims over to it, her little fins whizzing round with excitement. If I move from one end of the tank to the other, she follows me and stops right in front of me. Even if she sees me walk into the room, she zooms over to the front of the tank to watch me. (Of course, she could just associate my presence with...FOOD!) :unsure:

Welcome to the forum :)
For starters, congratulations on not becoming one of the mindless 'betta in a jar' drones! a five gallon is prefect for your betta! I'm not sure about keeping bettas with neons as i havnt done it before, i guess they should be allright with a short finned betta as the thing you have to watch out for is fin nipping. Keep a close eye on them ;)
Yep! Welcome! As others said, a 5 gallon is perfect, but id remove those tetras, they cxan be a bit nipping. But dont forget, you dont HAVE to have a 5 gallon, the absolute minimum for a betta is 1 gallon.
Thanks everyone! As for the tetras they honestly dont pay her any attention, they just stay together and every now and then all three can be seen swimming together. So far, all is well! Ill try and get a pic!
Thanks everyone! As for the tetras they honestly dont pay her any attention, they just stay together and every now and then all three can be seen swimming together. So far, all is well! Ill try and get a pic!

The fin nipping think is very much dependent on the particular fish and their environment, just as long as you're observant and remove them if there is a problem, you'll be fine. Looking forward to photos, she sounds like a beauty
Hi and welcome to the forum. Hopefully you'll be posting some pics soon of your little girl. As others have said, keep a close eye on them for any trouble and also going by the 1" of fish per gallon, you're pretty much up to your limit in a 5 gal so I would be inclined not to add any more :good: Might be worth having something to put her in too, just incase of any trouble.....if things work out then you could keep it as a hospital tank :D

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