Got a elegance/royal coral


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
I saw this coral at one of my LFS today and asked how much it was just for the hell ove it, the guy said R200!!! about 15 pounds, thats about half what other shops sell them for. I explained to the gut what lighting i have and my water conditions and so forth, he rekons it shouldn't be a problem. So i just couldn't resist, I've had him in the tank for about 4 hours and he's allready opened, not fully yet, but still looking good.


I have 4-40 watt flouresent lights, 1 atanic, 2 -10 000k, and one power-glo
18 000K. My tank is 45cms deep, i have placed him about half-way now, with my lighting could i put him in the substrate?
Okay i've been reading quite a bit about these corals, and it seems they prefer the sand. Should i place him in my crushed coral and which way up. One side is orange and the other is white.
well thats cool :*) :*)

Um well my clown seems like he might wanna host in it, he's become very teritorial of it and every now and again he might poke his head in it, is this how the procces begins, and will it hurt the coral at all? Like will he close up and not get light or what?

And also my yellow tang seems to nibble at him, nothing serious tho... I hope
Nice coral!

Yep the clown will probably want to host it. The coral might mind or it might not so you'll want to keep an eye on it.
What size of tank is it in? I'm sure you know this, but Elegance corals (I'm pretty sure it's Elegance) send out sweeper tentacles that could sting and/or kill any other corals nearby.
It's a 4 foot. I kept a eye on it last night to try see how far they extend and when and how they do but no sign of them. Are they simular to brains or are it's sweeper tentaciles the ones that you see in the photo?
i would keep a real close eye on the tang. I lost my elegance after I had it for two months due to my bi-color angel taking a liking to it. After a few days of being picked on.. its just went from bad to worse. to bad to, since elegances are so hard to keep... and I had it for awhile. still cant catch that stupid angel either.. good thing he hasnt takin a liking to anything else.... YETb
newbie15 said:
i would keep a real close eye on the tang. I lost my elegance after I had it for two months due to my bi-color angel taking a liking to it. After a few days of being picked on.. its just went from bad to worse. to bad to, since elegances are so hard to keep... and I had it for awhile. still cant catch that stupid angel either.. good thing he hasnt takin a liking to anything else.... YETb
elegance corals rank as some of the easiest corals to keep, almost as easy as mushrooms and leathers, the only problem is that they have been shipped in poor health lately, and have not been acclimated from the deeper depths that they are now being collected from, and that they are now coming down with an odd disease after months of looking healthy. If you do get a healthy specimen, and have had it for longer than 3 months or so, you are usually in the clear. It's funny how in the older coral books they are listed as a beginner coral, but that was when they were being collected from shallow waters in perfect health.
I can't see that tang bothering the elegance at all. Angels are natorious for being coral pickers, this is why you had a problem with your bicolor angel. I never even take a chance when it comes to angels, never would put them in a reef tank.
they say you can keep a bi-color with "caution" well that was the first and only coral he has picked on so far. my only problem is I can not net him due to the amount of live rock. so for now he is not eating/picking at any other corals so he is safe. any ideas on how to catch him.

also I have heard that about elegance corals. one idea or thought maybe buy an elegance that has been at your LFS for a few months. this will be hard because many people scoop them up right away not knowing the problems associated with them and shipping, and where and how they were harvested. Good point superman about eleganeces now adays
Consider yourselves lucky. Elegance corals are banned in the UK and are on the CITES list (I think some have been partially removed now though). Anyone wishing to purchase a cora like this in th UK can only get captive fragged specimens and these fetch astrnomical prices (I have seen elegance corals reaching prices over £200 per coral :crazy: ). Saying this they are hardy corals and pose no real problems if acclimatised corectly.
a fish trap is the ticket newbie15.

I got my elegance after it had been at the LFS for 2 months and was in great health. I do consider myself lucky that I got a healthy one. I paid $80, but I don't know the conversion of what that would be in the UK.

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