Got a couple of questions........


New Member
Jul 11, 2004
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leeds england uk
ok im reffering to my 120 ltr tank.....

firstly ive just purchased some tiger barbs (10 of them) got them home, been in for 4 hours now and they wont come down from top of tank they r swimming ok just staying at top is this ok do u think???????

secondly ive got 3 cory sterbai and they dont seem to eat anything. i got some freeze dried blood worm but they wont eat them and they wont eat the catfish pellets i got either and they r just disolving on bottom of tank and making a sorta fluff anyone got any idea's?????
The tigers may be just getting used to their new surroundings. If they are eating and swimming fine and still active i wouldnt worry about them too much but do keep an eye on them for a few days. Have you tried feeding the cories at lights out in the evening? I feed mine sinking pellets and algae wafers just after i turn out the lights and they clean it up in fairly short order. There is no competition for them at this time so perhaps they feel more comfortable. HTH :)
true got any advice on cleaning the fluff left up though lol i tried getting it with net but made more mess than owt else
erm ok ok im having a bit of a daft day.......
cant get this vacuum thingy working.
i think ur supposed to stick it in tank and move it up and down but it didnt seem to do alot.
anyone here used to using 1 of these???????
If its one that you have to move up and down sometimes you really have to shake it pretty fast to get it going. I just use the old fashion method and suck on the end of the hose. Good Luck. :)

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