Got A Cory Stuck In The Net


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I bought three more melenistius catfish, and one of the cute guys got stuck real good in the net when I was trying to put him in the tank. he aws stuck for several minutes and I didnt know what to do. I even tried to gently yank him at this tail, and I was afraid to touch near his mouth because I didnt nkow if his barbels or anything would hurt.

Anyways, I finally got him released. I just hope the poor guy is okay! it's really my fault because I should not have used the small 3" net with him, but rather the larger one, less likely for that to happen.

Anything I should look for to make sure he is okay?
i would monitor him/her for a couple days but there pretty hardly so i wouldnt worry 2 much :)

Hi tameem ;)

Nets can be a problem. More than once I've had to cut a net to get a cory free.

You don't have to worry about a cory's mouth hurting you, but watch out for their pectoral fins. The reason your fish got caught in the net is because of these pointy fins. They can puncture your skin, which will hurt and could become infected.

Good luck with your new fish. :D
Inch worm thats a very interesting thing about the pectoral fins...
I just looked on my cory is it nor more inside towards the gills tha could puncture?

Looking closely seems like what I'd refer to as a spike or something..

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