got a coral

Salt Freak

Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
houston, texas
I just got my coral its a button polyp. within an hour of putting it in it started to open up and show its colors usually it takes a couple of days so i'm pretty happy also got a sand sifting starfish. and cleaner wrasse the cleaner wrasse does eat off my fish and eats frozen food I ordered off very impressed on how good of condition they came in and the colors of them :D :p :) :cool: :fish:
Sounds cool dude, cant wait to get enough cash to start stocking up. :cool:

Just out of couriosity, have you or anybody had problems getting fish and corals due to the Asian crisis, cause all my lfs cant get anything.
the corals i wanted i couldn't get because out of stock and i'm asuming it has something to do with the tsunami. most of the corals they had on there were out of stock so we'll see what happens :( :byebye:
As CF knows, im in the same position as BYD. no money, no fun. and yes, many places ive looked dont have half of their regular suply. -_-
A sand sifting starfish in a 30 gallon eh? That usually spells disaster. There really isn't much sand in a 30 gallon, even if you have a Deep sand bed. This usually causes the sand sifting star fish to starve over time.
I am sure you have been scolded for having the tang in a 30 gallon aquarium, I hope you are planning to move him to a larger tank in the near future.
CF is pretty lucky really. He has an enotmous reef club he can associate with for frag swaps/meets.

One of the many reasons I am looking at Houston as a new home. :D

im here, in the neiborhod, litteraly. waiting for the summer for the big tanks. dont have time anymore with school.

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