Got A Blue Or Black Background?

gaz gun man

Fish Addict
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Kent, UK
if so, could you post/send me a pic.

I am thinking of changing my tank background to either one of those colours so just looking for inspiration.

here is the tank at present

blue on the two tanks that have a coloured BG the others are pictures ((eeewww)) this is my fave tho :)

shelagh xxxx
thanks shelagh, what are the plants growing across the back of your tank? I think they're the same as the one in the foreground on the right of my tank (infront of the bogwood)

It grows very fast, mine has pretty much doubled in size in the 2 or so weeks I've had it
I had a blue one on mine for a while, changed it back to the plant side recently though. Here's a pic

Crap pics but here you go:

Saltwater tank:


Sorry no plants either... but you can see in the saltwater how the corals colors stand out on the black background

Ox :good:
thanks guys, I think I might go with black so the equipment doesnt show up as much
when i do my tank upgrade ( god seems like im waitin forever) im planning on using a black background and black gravel as ( correct me if im wrong) i think this helps to show off the colours of your fish

will do but as i said its likely to be a while til i get it lol
I tend to find blue works well with heavily planted tanks and black works with everything else. I've not got any good pics of my community tank but theres a pic on the thread below of the tank I was setting up for dwarf cichlids - but have since changed my mind about. Its not setup properly at the mo so forgive the state of it:



I reckon black would definately suit your tank gaz.

It is blue but I'd much rather have a planted background to make the tank look like it has more depth. With the blue you can see exactly where the tank ends. if it had plants it would blend better. Just my opinion though.
My background is actually silvery and reflective, I used gift wrap! I would send a pic, it looks good, but my tank is so heavily planted that it does not come out.

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