Got A Banjo Catfish!

black jack1

Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2006
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Hi, I just got a small Banjo Catfish today and was wondering if people knew what i could fed it other than bloodworms? Any otehr info about them would be nice to, especially if you have one.Thanks
One of the most important things I've found is their need - and this is a must - for a sand substrate tank. I recently changed my tank from sand to small rounded quartz - and they hate it !

Where they used to be completely hidden in the sand and I never saw them, they now "sit" on top and are looking very much displeased.

So I'm going to be rehoming mine to someone's sand tank - hopefully soon.

So for their happinss and well being, above all it's sand.

As for food I feed a mix of flakes, granules, sinking / algae and carnivore wafers / pellets. Plus the occasional (thawed) frozen bloodworm, on whic mine seem to be doing very well.

But I would say due to their shy nature, they should be kept with gregarious fish that will gobble everything up before they get a chance to come along.
Thanks for the reply, I do have sand substrate. As soon as i put him in he buried himself in. I was making a stone/slate cave and he was in the i had to get him to move with a net but he decided to play after a few seconds of moving him around...he got ticked off and zoomed off. Hes in there with a few tetras and a rtbs which is around the same size as him. I have frozen bloodworms (yuck), veg pellets,algae pellets etc. Hes been buried most of the day so i'm thinking they spend most their time buried and come out to eat at night? Or when the lights are out? So would you say the best time to feed him is after lights out?
Yes - I usually throw in a bit of extra food after ligths out - in the hope that they will get their fair share :) And they've become quite chubby so I'm sure they do !

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