Got A 2ft Tank!


Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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SO i got a 2 ft tank today. If i can convince my parents to let me keep it(as they dont think ive got enough room for it) id want either an axolotl or a lod of fire bellied newts...cant decide. WHat do you think? If you ahd a spair 2ft tank what would you use it for?
I would go for newts :p .
But that's just me.
Half water half land planted aquarium with newts. Could use things like ferns above land and floating plants and semi-aquatic plants in the water.

But if it wasn't just a choice between newts and axolotls, then I would set it up for crabs!
axolotls definately.

get a couple in a 2ft tank. but no more.

newts are boring. they dont have as much personality as axolotls.
axolotls are good in pairs but 2 foot i would say i wouldnt wont to do it again they just get to big and messy u gotta remember they can get to abouta foot them selves
Well,i was cleaning the tank out in the garden on friday cause there was tons of algae on it from the previous owner. So i started to drain the water after scrapping all that algae of. THere was only an inch left so i ditched the bucket and decided to lift the tank up and tip the water out that way. Forgetting to dry my hands,i lifted up the tank,started to tip the remainding inch of water out, and smash,it slipped out of my hands :-(
BUT good news :hyper: Yesterday i went out to my LFS (where i work) and got my a juwel rekord 60(another,nicer 2ft). I got it all,the tank,filter,heater(WHICH I DONT NEED) which was all incl the tank, substrate and backing and stuff for 50 quid,since i work there. The tank alone with filter,hood,light and heater comes to 76.95!
SO ive got it all setup. My dad did a real good job of cleaning the sand,it was crystal clear as soon as we added it to the water! :good:
Its cycling,i added some flake food in to get ti going today. But,the temps around 21 degrees celcius. But yesterday when it was hot and sunny it was 24. I added ice packs and stuff to cool it down and that worked. Is this too hot? im dreading the supposed heat wave in the summer! :angry: Ive got polysterene sheets at the back of the tank aswell as the backing. ANd ive got bacing on the other two sides bar the viewing one. The tanks on my window sill as theres no where else to go!

SO is this too hot or will it cope. EVeryoen else in my area says theirs are in 22 degres water and theyre gr8 :good:

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