Got 6 Neons In A Rekord 120 What Now


Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
at the moment i have 6 neon tetras in a 120 litre tank and was wondering where to ggo from, i do like glowlights, harliquins and tiger barbs and a bot of topic honey gouramis especially red ones and was wondering can you good people create a stock list for me

and do shrrimps do much to your bio load and if so what? cheers truckasauras
I would recomend 5 or so more neons, they look good together.

It would be a good iddea to get perhaps 5 Ottocinclus aswell, these are algae eating fish that should reduce any algae problems.

7 glowlights (less than neons because they are bright fish)

I wouldn't recomend both honey gouramis and tiger barbs together, the barbs may nip the gouramis long pectoral extensions.

3 female and 1 male Gouramis.

I would go form there. leave it like that for a while and see what does well and what doesn't, best not to fully stock the tanks in the first stages (even if fully cycled some may bring desease and there could ae a wipe out)

later perhaps ad 3 flying foxes.

Colonel Mustard
at the moment i have 6 neon tetras in a 120 litre tank and was wondering where to ggo from, i do like glowlights, harliquins and tiger barbs and a bot of topic honey gouramis especially red ones and was wondering can you good people create a stock list for me

and do shrrimps do much to your bio load and if so what? cheers truckasauras

get a few more neons...
i personally like gouramis, blue, honey, pearl and the like
all the different long finned type tetras are cool (black skirt, white skirt, black phantom)
or clown loaches

good luck!
I would not get the clown loaches, they get to big. Try some corries or smaller loach like the yoyo.
you should get a rainbow shark, lovely fish, pretty much all of your choises would do ok...
harlequin rasbora shoal of 8-10 would look amazing, perhaps 2 rams since i prefer them to gouramis, and definetly a group of corys probably sterbai or bronze are hardier in higher temps.

or zebra loaches are nice and agreeing with andy a nice small plec persoanl favourate would be the king tiger, or the flash plec!
Awww just thinking bout 6 little neons all lonely in a sweet, they must think they have found the ocean!!

(Ok quick edit-they aren't marine-durr)
I would up your shoal of neons to 12,then if you like the black skirts or other types of tetras, add these as a shoal. Then a dwarf or honey gourami (can take a trio of these; 1 male, 2 females) and some bottom dwellers (my choice would be C. trilineatus; love that fish!) or otherwise take the botia striata.
As already stated get some more Neons, then maybe a trio of Gouramis and what about a nice small Pleco! Something along the lines of: Bristlenose, Clown, Flash, King Tiger just to name a few have a look at Plecos under 8inch [URL=""][/URL] and use planetcatfish for pics [URL=""][/URL] then add some Glowlights about 10, would look a nice tank then!

And then maybe a Pair of Dwarf Cichlids (Apistos or Rams)

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