Got 2 really nicely rooted peace lilies this week

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Usually when I buy 4 inch potted plants, they have minimal roots… the 2 I got this week had 8-10 inch roots, when I cleaned them out… I normally wash them bare, and put them in hang on pots, with enough ceramic media to hold them in place… I had room for one more in my South American Tetra tank… that tank is now “done” except for trimming down the road…

I added one to my African Tetra tank, as an experiment… I have Nile lilies, in hang on pots in that tank, and the leaves are grass like, and I got some black bugs on them… I’m hoping the waxy leaves on the peace lilies, will repel the bugs… if that works, I’ll replace the Nile lilies… if not, I’ll have to remove all the plants from the surface of that tank… it’s the only tank I have that issue, so it may be a problem of the Nile lilies, if so, they won’t be used in the aquariums again…

The pothos vines are bothering me, in the tank I need to pull down, some of them are 3-4 feet long… guessing I’ll have to throw away anything exposed to the water, chop the long vines and try to root them over again… the plant loss almost bothers me more than the fish loss in that tank…
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The pothos vines are bothering me, in the tank I need to pull down, some of them are 3-4 feet long… guessing I’ll have to throw away anything exposed to the water, chop the long vines and try to root them over again… the plant loss almost bothers me more than the fish loss in that tank…
Wow 🤯. It’s a shame you’d have to get rid of some of them. I’m nowhere near that length yet on my 90L. I have seen a large increase of new growth from both my peace lily and pothos so they must be happy. To keep my pothos vines from becoming submerged in water I use these. They’ve been quite useful so far.

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