Got 2 New Piranhas!, what to feed them????


Fish Fanatic
May 22, 2004
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i bought 2 piranhas 2 days ago and have put them in a 30 gallon uk aquarium, there are also 3 plecs in there aswell. I was just wondering what can i feed themm so they get all the nutrition they need and so they grow quickly? Thanks Chris.
My friend has a pretty big piranha and he feed its 12 cent goldfish from the pet store
im sure they look cool and everything but P's are gonna need a much bigger tank then a 30 uk, especialy with three plecs!!!!

the small tank will result in stunting of the growth and will shorten the fishes life.

just a little info

Pirahna pretty much just eat fish, dead or alive. Personally i would feed them dead fish bought from the fishmongers/supermarket, strips of white fish or trout will be ripped to shreds in no time.
OK i Started the Same Way

2 Piranha's Dime size

For one one will eat the other 90% chance

It happen to me

Will eat ur algae eating when get bigger !!!!!!

Try to stay away from feeding live fish (Only here and there )

its a pain in the butt in keep buying them
also will need a tank for them a had to start a 20 g for the feeders
that cost more $$ plus Keep buying fish week to week

Could try Mealworms , worms , krill, Mine started eating Ciclid pellets

Mine got hooked on fish and i just gave him to cuz because tired of buying fish !

Pirahna can live up to 25 years
Don not like Light
Most r Shy only eat when i left the room

Good luck how big r they ?

one needs a 30gal to grow full size
there only about the size of a 2pence piece i live in england lol. I bought them krill, brine shrimp 2day so im gonna feed them that for a bit there really exciting. thanks chris.

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