Got 2 new females


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
I haven't kept female bettas for very long, but I just got 2 more the other day. They are as big as all my males minus the finnage. I put them each in 1 gal critter keepers to quarentien, and set them next to each other on the bathroom counter. After they were aclimatized and all that good stuff, I released them into their new temporary homes, and watched in amazement as they started to flare at each other! I have never seen females do this except for when I started my female community. They were flaring at each other till they got used to the idea that they were going to be living together for a while, but that was after I put them in the 10 gal. These 2 are in seperate containers and flaring like males! Well, I just set one of my new girls next to one of my male VT's, and he started flaring at her, and she flared back!!! None of my other girls did that, so I am kinda concerned with putting these 2 new girls in with my other ones as 1. they are almost twice the size of all the others, and 2. they seem so agressive towards each other already and they aren't even in the same tank yet!! Any input thankfully accepted. I do have another 10 gal set up and cycling that I was concidering for guppies and the 3 ramshorn snails that I have, but maybe I'll start another female community with all big females. That way it will save all my little girls from the un needed stress of re-establishing the pecking order, and maybe save them all from the abuse of the bigger ones. But then again, the snails wouldn't live a very good life cause the bettas will pick on them. I have read about people putting guppies and female bettas together and they co-exist ok, but I have also read about them where the betta beats the he** out of the gupies (ie, dragging them around the tank by their tails) I need advice please!! Thank you!!!!
I have 5 females and they all flare at eachother :lol:

We've got over the nipped fins stage now thank goodness, but there is still flaring going on and the odd sniper nip from my worst girl Dijon who happens to be the smallest :blink:

Your call as to whether you put them in together, but mine took a good 2 weeks to settle down with eachother. I've got a mass of plants in there and caves etc so lots of good hiding places.

I also have my male guppy juvies in this tank and not once has any of them given them the slightest bit of interest. It is only temporary as they are being sold to the lfs after xmas but just goes to show that all this flaring isn't that agressive or I would have thought they would have attacked my guppies by now.
Your call, but I've got females that spar with each other. Grab ahold of each others lips and start shaking. Very sad for mommy to watch. After that, I just seperated them. If your female is flaring at your male, it might mean she wants to spawn with him :D If you are sure they are females, you should just keep an eye on them, but they can kill each other overnight. Check for their egg spot between there ventrals. Hope this helps you some.

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