Goodbye To An Old Friend, and Hello To A New One


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
As some of you may know, my first betta, Kaiser, died this morning. He wasn't sick, he didn't die of a freak accident...he was just old. :sad: Kaiser will be greatly missed and he will always have a special place in my heart as being the first betta I've kept in over 10 years. :rip: Kaiser. :-( I know you're wreaking havoc in that big tank in the sky...

I went into my lfs today and just by chance I happened to walk by the bettas. I wasn't looking for a replacement for Kaiser, not yet. But something caught my eye. A flash of white, and pale pink, and a fluttering of irredesence. I moved closer, and saw a very young male betta (white and pink bodied with clear irredescent fins), flaring at everything he could see, and immediately I thought of my Kaiser...he acted just like him...the bad attitude, the macho posturing, and that adorable crabby little face. I picked up the cup and knew I had to take him home. So I did.

Even though my beautiful Kaiser is gone, he will be pictures, in my heart...and in the new betta, whom my boyfriend and I have lovingly named Shamus... :wub:
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

So long Kaiser :sad:

and welcome to Shamus :wub:

Sorry for your loss,Arashi. My daughters first betta is well over 2 and on his way out :( It sucks :(

Post pics of Shamus so we can see him :hyper:
Thanks wuv. :wub: The death of a fish is hard. How old is your daughter? Is she taking it alright? I always feel so bad for children, especially younger ones, as they don't really understand. :sad:

I really miss Kaiser, but Shamus is seriously making me laugh, I can't help but be happy. :) Shamus is so small yet, that his body is not quite as big as my biggest cory... :hyper: ...and yet he's rushing the Angels, that are over twice his size! :hyper: It's so funny to watch! :lol: I just love this little guy. :wub:

I would LOVE to post pics of him, but I no longer have a camera. :-( I wanna show off my little Shamus! :-(
Arashi said:
I wanna show off my little Shamus! :-(
I wanna see your little Shamus.Oh well, you'll have a cam in your possesion sometime. I know the feelin'.

Kiddo is 5 and she knows :/ He's an old man and has already outlived his life expectancy. Now it's like everything possible is falling apart on him, huge tumor on his side and such. I'm prolonging him as long as I can :lol: She's handling it well though :) She understands the circle of life and she enjoys the babies. All I ever hear is "awwww,mom,this one likes me,lets never get rid of him!" but she says that about almost every baby :lol: :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about Kaiser. I'm sure he lived a long and happy life in your care. :nod:

Shamus sounds lovely- I can't wait to see pictures of him!
Wuv - I'm glad to hear that she's taking it alright, and that she understands. And I don't blame her for wanting to keep all the babies...they are so adorable!

cutechic - Thanks for the kind words. :wub: I hope to get pics of Shamus soon. :nod:

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