Good Update


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego Cali -for-nia
So i woke up this moring and took a amonia reading and i was happy to see that it dropped to .25ppm over the night. :hyper: Should i do another water change this afternoon to bring it down more or should i let the bacteria grow?
So i woke up this moring and took a amonia reading and i was happy to see that it dropped to .25ppm over the night. :hyper: Should i do another water change this afternoon to bring it down more or should i let the bacteria grow?

Are you doing fishless cycling? If you are doing do not have to change the water for a while. The only thing you have to monitor is your ammonia when it get to 0 you have to dose it again and keep checking for the nitrite. My tank is still cyicling and it is almost two weeks now and I haven't change my water yet.
well the good update has turned sour :( i came home to day after school and walked in my room and noticed my larger clown Loach died. I think he/she couldn't handle all the stress of the water changes :unsure: . My other fish seem to be doing good am gonna do a 25 percent water change and check the water stats.
shouldnt have clown loach in a new tank at all. Not very hardy and their skin/scales can't handles many chemicals
well the good update has turned sour :( i came home to day after school and walked in my room and noticed my larger clown Loach died. I think he/she couldn't handle all the stress of the water changes :unsure: . My other fish seem to be doing good am gonna do a 25 percent water change and check the water stats.


Stress from water change??!?

More like stress from bad water quality...

Any ammonia over 0 (which is none) is toxic to fish, and can potentially kill them. Thats what did it. Betcha' any money :p
well the good update has turned sour :( i came home to day after school and walked in my room and noticed my larger clown Loach died. I think he/she couldn't handle all the stress of the water changes :unsure: . My other fish seem to be doing good am gonna do a 25 percent water change and check the water stats.


Stress from water change??!?

More like stress from bad water quality...

Any ammonia over 0 (which is none) is toxic to fish, and can potentially kill them. Thats what did it. Betcha' any money :p

yeah i allready new that after i took a reading on the water

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