Good Tetras For 7.5 Ph?


May 24, 2010
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Hey everyone,

My name's Zophie, and i'm fairly new to the forum. I am starting a 20 gallon mixed tank. The pH is 7.5, and I was wondering if there are any small, fairly bright tetras that would do well in 7.5?

Thankyou! Zophie
well i have rummy nose and neons in my tank with a ph of 7.5 to 8.0 even though they prefer slightly more alkaline water they are looking great and extremly colourful!

as long as you acclimatize them slowly so they can get used to the ph of your water you should not have much problem a steady ph is better than a swinging ph

basicly what ashley said

most tetras dont know what their PH is supposed to be, so as long as the PH is stable I wouldnt worry, most will get used to it over time
although I think ashley meant to say acid instead of alkaline ;)

some can live in a pH of well less than 6. I think generally you want to keep it below 7.5 and if you want to make conditions a little more natural, add some bogwood, it'll release tannins and it may well lower the pH safely. I keep 2 bolivian rams and 8 rummy nose tetra which seem happy :p

my tank actually has a pH of about 6.3 whereas my tap water is 7.5, it went down very slowly over a few weeks so did not harm the fish at all. Whether bogwood will affect your water depends on the hardness of your water though, regareless it will still make it more of a natural environment for them as they live in water with lots of wood in it.

Rummy nose tetra are a bit sensitive but if you've read about them they could work. All depends how you cycle your tank, some tetras are suitable for fish-in cycling and some are not. If you don't have a clue what i'm on about I recommend you read about cycling in the new freshwater tank forum :)

Good luck!

I quite fancy some black phantom tetra...they are fairly hardy tetra if you like the look of them.
If you can find some, Yellow Tail Congo Tetra are happy at that pH. ;)
My tank Ph is 8, and I've got black neons in there that are happy despite being a lot higher than what their supposed Ph level should be
I've kept Neons, Cardinals and Serpeas at different times from 6.8-8pH no problems. Like others have said pH isn't a big deal unless it fluctuates +or-.3 pH at a time is when things start go wrong.
Emperor Tetras are nice and hardy.

They were my first fish after fishless cycling 16 months ago and all 8 are doing fine.

Lemon & Flame tetras develop really nice vivid colours as well

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