Good Schooling Fish?

Iron Man

Fish Addict
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
Lexington, SC USA
To go with 12 neons and some platies and angelfish. I don't want a lot just say 12. I'm thinking maybe glowlight tetras as they have a red glow to contrast the blue glow of the neons. Good idea? If not what else is a good option.
Melanotaenia Praecox or neon rainbow fish are great,i would say get about 4 of them to start of with then add to the group...or just buy a hole bunch at once if you have the money! :good: I currently only have 2 but they are lovely fish and fast growers.
my favorite tetras in the world are glowlight tetras, followed by head and tail light tetras. i also like black skirt tetras. but you are right, glowlights would prolly be your best option color wise.
I think glowlights are lovely fish - I have some huge fat ones - but they don't do much shoaling, they're fairly placid and hang around "chillin" most of the time.

Stephen B asked a similar question:

He chose Bleeding Heart Tetras in the end and says that they shoal a lot. I have a friend who has rummy nose tetras and he says they tend to stick together too.
I have Blue Emperor tetras in with my glowlights, cardinals and neons - they are much more active and do shoal some of the time - but not always. I'm always singing the praises of Blue Emperors :p

Just depends how important it is to you - the shoaling bit.

Here's a blurry pic (ignore the little angelfish, the glowlight rasbora and the sparkling gouramis!)

Thanks for the replies. Nice tank Majjie!

I'm still not decided on a particular school yet, though....although I'm keeping open to the glowlights and rasboras.
I'd go with Harlequin rasboras. I have a few and they school more than my 18 Neon tetras do. My neons tend to break up and scatter around. at times they will form 2-3 different groups, but rarely will they form 1 group.
I am also looking for more schooling fish for my 55 G.
After much thought.....think I'm gonna go with harlequins....say maybe 12. My neons didn't school either after a couple weeks in my tank but ever since I recently hooked up a bubble wand in there they school nonstop.....guess its the increased excitement in the tank that keeps them together?

Can't wait to see all the fish I want in there. :)
Just watch out for the Angelfish. I heard enough time that they would eat poor little Neons when they get bigger. They seem to unlock the jar to open the mouth wide when they have reason to. :huh: :no:
I would put some group of hatchetfish, Diamond Tetras and bunch of Corys when I set my 55G up properly. Of course, big school of Neons. And may also try the blue Tetra or pencil fish. :nod:
i would say rummynoses. in a tank like yours they would stay at the front of the tank (they love open water) and move up and down in a tight shoal
how about some zebra danios? long-finned or short finned or a mix :good:
Thanks for all the good suggestions. I bought some harlequins tonight.....they are acclimating as I type this. I got 10 of them. Very nice looking little fish.....glad I got them.

Next its gonna be some cories and angelfish....and maybe a gourami?

Thanks again for all the suggestions. :good:

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