Good Price For Albino Bn?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
So we headed back to the LFS finally, and saw that they still had Albino BN plecos. They look fantastic, and appear to probably be fully grown as well.
We asked how much they are, and the guy said $20. Is that a decent price?
I dunno... just have a feeling like this place overcharges for some of their fish and just not sure if they do w/ these.
If full grown and you can get a male and a female for $40 that's probably not bad.

Proven breeding pairs can sell for £40 upwards.

My LFS (in UK) is selling 1.5" albinos for £5 which is a bit pricey as breeders will sell them privately for about £2 BUT we don't see them that often in LFS here at the moment.
i think thats a great price, i paid £5.99 for a tiny ( less than 2 cms) bristlnose ( albino)
tho a member on here kindly sold me 2 browns for £10 including postage ( which was about £6)
so now i have 6 in total ( i think lol) and hoping theyll breed ... in about a yr :lol:

are there and breeders near you as they tend to be much less expensive :)
IMO no more than £5
So yeah, seems to vary some.
I guess the LFS here can charge that amount b/c they're the only LFS around that carries them.
They looked great though... just don't know if I want to spend that much on fish from them. Might try to find a breeder.

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