Good Plants For Begginner


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2011
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it has everything it needs to run (heater, filter etc.)

i am going to replace my plastice plants with live ones!! :) :D

i am looking for plants that are for the backround and foreground

i was also wondering if hair grass was an easy plant to take care of because i think it looks cool

i am looking for ones that need medium-high lighting and are easy to care for

???? ???? ???? ???? :friends:

so please post any recomendations you have

p.s. thier is 7 zebra danios and 1 mystery snail in thier and i plan to have 6 cherry barbs which im going to get soon

filter is hang on the back

substrate i will change from gravel to fine gravel with a layer of sand on top


if you have plants do you need to keep the hood light on for how long?

i have 3 decorations 1 which is a dragon bubbler ~it is sort of an asian theme

and once i get my 40-50 U.S gallon tank in about half a year i will go for a more natural look for all live plants, wood, rocks , and rock caves

sorry for all these Q's im trying to figure out how to make the bottom look as natural as possible for the meanwhile before i get a bigger tank... which i will then use the smaller one for breeding/hospital tank

thank you for your support and answers :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

THIS FORUM ROCKS!!!!!!!! :look: :look: :look: :look: :look: :look: :look: :look: :look:

:hyper: :hyper: d:D d:D :santa: :beer: :beer: :nod: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :drink: :band: :cool: :drinks: :friends: :friends: :friends: :friends: :friends: :friends: (sorry for all these :)'s ) :rofl:
What is your current lighting?

oh no cant find the instruction thing to tell us what it was all i know is that the light came with the 15 (U.S.) gallon starter kit from top fin

sorry for lack of info

:no: :no: :no: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

have a look through those articles. With that lighting if the fixture has only 1 light tube your more around lower lighting. Definately not more than 2watts per gallon unless you have 2 or more bulbs. But that's okay there are plants that will work for you. Unfortunately, dwarf hairgrass will live under that lighting but you won't see much growth if any. Java moss, java fern, anubias, hygrophila, vallisneria, and cryptocoryne wendtii are great plants to start with and will work under that lighting.
Can I just say that your sand won't stay on top of the gravel for long, as the particles are smaller they will shift below and the larger gravel move to the top.
I normally have my light on or around 8 hours a day. If its on for more you could get algae problems.
I have just bought some plants online:
dwarf sag, dwarf hairgrass and pygmy chain sword for the foreground
java fern, amazon sword and vallis or the background levels
All these are generally good plants for beginers I hear :)
Can I just say that your sand won't stay on top of the gravel for long, as the particles are smaller they will shift below and the larger gravel move to the top.
I normally have my light on or around 8 hours a day. If its on for more you could get algae problems.
I have just bought some plants online:
dwarf sag, dwarf hairgrass and pygmy chain sword for the foreground
java fern, amazon sword and vallis or the background levels
All these are generally good plants for beginers I hear :)

in that case i will just have probally black sand on bottom

thaks for suggetions on plants

:good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:


have a look through those articles. With that lighting if the fixture has only 1 light tube your more around lower lighting. Definately not more than 2watts per gallon unless you have 2 or more bulbs. But that's okay there are plants that will work for you. Unfortunately, dwarf hairgrass will live under that lighting but you won't see much growth if any. Java moss, java fern, anubias, hygrophila, vallisneria, and cryptocoryne wendtii are great plants to start with and will work under that lighting.

thank you for your info
i think i have low to medium lighting

there is 2 tube-shaped bulbs that are the lights right now

:good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

thank you for all these wonderful suggestions

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