I would not trust it. In fact, I'm going to contact them if I can.
It's seems that it is a website of compiled data found from basic and possibly unreliable sources. The information is standard fish store advice, sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes fatally wrong.
The very first fish I clicked on was a Bumble bee cichlid. the response was:
"Compatibility A peaceful and territorial species that will mix well in an African Cichlid Community. Synodontis Catfish will make a great addition to the community as bottom feeders."
These are among the biggest and most aggressive one can buy, and do not 'mix well' into any African community.
For diet they recommend:
"rozen beef heart, hi-pro, daphnia, glass worms, blood worms, plankton, brine shrimp and glass worms"
Food like bee heart and worms will eventually kill mbuna, which is what this fish is.