Good News From A Horrible Mistake


We are not born just so we can die
Global Moderator ⚒️
Oct 1, 2010
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The other week I had put a clear breeding trap, containing some selected cherry shrimp into my female fighter tank, to acclimatise the shrimp and to make sure the female fighters didn't show too much dinner interest in the shrimp. Any way one of my pretty girls Pheonix, managed to get herself jammed between the breeding trap and the edge of the glass, and unfortunatley died :-( .
I have been in regular contact with the original breeder of my beautiful girls (BetterisBetta) and she kindly offered my a near identical sister to Pheonix :good: .

So here is my new girl, who just arrived yesterday in with her sisters that she has not seen in almost a year.





Because of her pinkie/ platinium colour these are the names I am kicking around for her


Serafino or Fino both mean Burning one

Fintan means White fire

Iagan means little fire

Pyrrhos means flame like

Edana means little fire

SO far Fino or Serafino are the pick but Fintan is coming a close second in the name selection stakes.

The other girls are called

Carpe Diem

Prima Donna

Rolly Polly

and previously Pheonix.
Aww what a heartwarming story. :wub: Sorry for your loss :rip:
I like Serafino and Pyrrhos :flowers:

She's gorgeaous
So, is she shrimp safe?
I want a betta for 5 gallon shrimp tank, but I don't know how to tell if a betta is shrimp safe in a store. Are females less likely to eat shrimp?
Like all fighters it really depends on their mood and temperment. As soon as I saw Pheonix stuck I whipped the trap out of the tank but alas to late to save her. The other females showed no interest in the adult female cherry shrimp after the initial adding of them to the tank (the trap was holding my tiny new special black male cherry shrimp that I thought the female fighters might have viewed as lunch). I have male fighters with cherry shrimp and the only thing I have really seen them eat is small shrimplets. I could just be lucky that I have mellow fish :lol: .
Like all fighters it really depends on their mood and temperment. As soon as I saw Pheonix stuck I whipped the trap out of the tank but alas to late to save her. The other females showed no interest in the adult female cherry shrimp after the initial adding of them to the tank (the trap was holding my tiny new special black male cherry shrimp that I thought the female fighters might have viewed as lunch). I have male fighters with cherry shrimp and the only thing I have really seen them eat is small shrimplets. I could just be lucky that I have mellow fish :lol: .

Yeah, my Alpha was really timid. He never bothered the shrimp, even the one smaller than my pinkie nail. :sad: I wish he had lived...
Sorry to hear about your loss :-( But the new girl is a stunner! I like Fino; short, precise and easy to remember :p

On the note about Bettas and cherrys, not sure if they just obtain evil bettas at my fish shop but all my girls have been VERY fiery and took out my small shrimp population. Those that were left, my male Betta Dijon massacred. They didn't eat for food...they'd hover, strive (and kill) then leave them for the other shrimp to take care of :look: Dijon is pretty laid back, although he's an active fish. My new boy Piccasso (Pico) attacked my finger the other day so I don't think I'll be putting shrimp with him ;) My remaining female Julie chased a Khuli loach around and around the tank today so I dare say she's not shrimp safe either lol!
Sorry to hear about your loss :-( But the new girl is a stunner! I like Fino; short, precise and easy to remember :p

On the note about Bettas and cherrys, not sure if they just obtain evil bettas at my fish shop but all my girls have been VERY fiery and took out my small shrimp population. Those that were left, my male Betta Dijon massacred. They didn't eat for food...they'd hover, strive (and kill) then leave them for the other shrimp to take care of :look: Dijon is pretty laid back, although he's an active fish. My new boy Piccasso (Pico) attacked my finger the other day so I don't think I'll be putting shrimp with him ;) My remaining female Julie chased a Khuli loach around and around the tank today so I dare say she's not shrimp safe either lol!

You do get evil bettas :crazy: , mine must all be hippy bettas who believe in peace not war.....and all that :lol: . But seriously with aggro fighters (just curious but when you got them where they all in tiny individual cups?), you could try some female typhus shrimp with them just introduce the shrimp gradually and when you go for the final release give the fighter some food. I find mine are so food orintated they will ignore most things in favour of their usual food.

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