Good news, bad news


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
West Midlands, England, UK
Stuff which has happened today...

My LFS takes delivery of some female bettas (hooray!)

There aren't very many (boo!)

I find time to go down there to try and get one (hooray!)

Too late. All gone (boo!)

There is however a male betta (hooray!)

He's in deplorable condition (BOO! HISS! BOOOOO!)

Out of sympathy, out of being blummon human, I buy him (WOOHOO!)

I suddenly remember a problem, or rather, four. My dwarf gouramis (Uh-oh...)

I place him in the community tank whilst I figure out what to do (hooray!)

I don't have room for a tank. Looks like he'll have to go back (BOO!)

But wait...the gouramis have approached him and it looks like....yes, they're actually PROTECTING the ailing betta! (HOORAY!)

Not out of the woods yet, this could still turn sour (boo!)

Until then though, gonna enjoy and try and get the Betta back to 100% health (YAY!)

Let's hope this odd alliance continues! (By the way, I have found room now in case it doesn't work out!)
Hope he pulls through, there hardy little fish so you may have some luck with him, hope all goes well keep us posted.... :thumbs:
I still can't believe how "swimmingly" the gouramis and the betta are getting on...

The betta's nickname is "the Godfather" cos the gouramis go round with him like a bodyguard mob, with him leading! Me bala shark got too close to the betta, and the gouramis actually chased it away!

Betta (in gruff Italian accent): "You are messing with the wrong betta, son...better watch your step, or you'll be taking a long swim..."

Bala: "I'm a fish. I'm spposed to swim. I've swum all me life...."

Betta: "Erm...erm...very well, you'll be going for a long sunbathe on dry land, then...
hope he recovers. good luck
wow do ur betta and gouramis actually get along i had a betta and gourami but sadlly the gourami attacked the betta and ripped all its fins and the betta died :(

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