Good news, bad news, more bad news, and a question


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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Well first the good news, I got my kuhlia (SP??) loaches today :D
Bad news is that the LFS sold half on them.. and I already paid for them, damn it, so I only got 5. I did get a refund, and got the 5 for hte cost of 2, but still.
More bad news.... my sister thought the tank looked bad and took out all my plants.... well almost, I only have a bit of java moss, and two small java ferns left...

And Question, how fast does the Java fern and moss grow?
The moss was covering almost all my rock stucture, and not there are jsut bits and pieces here and there.
and how fast will the fern grow? its two peice of root about 2" long and have 4 or 5 leaves growning from them each about 3" tall.

I also have these plants that used to go all the way to the top[ and really filled in one corner nice, and I dont know what its called, but now there is only a few stocks left of it.

I'm going ot get a picture later, but its so sad, my loaches arent going to have as much room to hide.
Damn sisters.. she claims its hers too (xmas gift like 8 years ago to both of us) this is the first time she has ever done anything at all for it, she didnt even pick out any fish ever..... jsut makes me mad.
Sry to hear about your plants! That's a shame! :angry: I would have been mad, too. Even if tank is tecnically half hers, the plants were yours, right? Unless they were part of the gift.

I'd ask this question in How does your garden grow, however. You are much more likely to get an experienced person responding. Just copy it into a new thread. I'm sure the growth rate will depend entirely on your individual situation.

Good luck! You khuli loaches sound great!
Alia said:
Sry to hear about your plants! That's a shame! :angry: I would have been mad, too. Even if tank is tecnically half hers, the plants were yours, right? Unless they were part of the gift.

I'd ask this question in How does your garden grow, however. You are much more likely to get an experienced person responding. Just copy it into a new thread. I'm sure the growth rate will depend entirely on your individual situation.

Good luck! You khuli loaches sound great!
Thanks, I will ask in that forum right now.

I love the Khuli loaches, they are jsut awsome, I really need som mid high fish now. and get more Khuli's
Java moss and fern grows cery quickly IME. I got some of both in my second hand tank in January. Although there was a lot of fern on a large piece of wood there was only a little moss. I tied the moss to a cave and it's gone mad!! I have now got in on 2 bits of wood, 3 caves and it rises to the top like a jungle!! I have sucessfully grown a bit of fern that was unattached to the rest on a piece of mopani, that was about a month ago and it has got at least 10 little leaves.

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