Good mix or bad


Fish Addict
Sep 3, 2020
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My new aquascaped tank is now fully cycled and I have put half a dozen chili rasboras and the same number of blue velvet shrimp into it.
I have also got some dwarf rasbora, Boraras maculatus in a seperate tank.
Would it be a decent idea to put these in as well? They are much the same shape/colour and if they swam together would give a good look to the tank.
However, I really want breeding from the fish I put in so is it likely they would interbreed? I don't want that.
I intend to add Galaxy Rasboras as well later.
I also have potential to add any of the following that are about the right size and would appreciate comment on suitability:
1. Ember Tetras - around 10 of them.
2. Emerald Rasbora - 8 of them
3. Neon Tetras - 10 of them
Then a number of other Tetras from Glowlight-Silvertip-Emperor-Rathbuni Redfin-Black Phantom plus others such as Rummynose & Asian Rummynose,
Or perhaps just add around another dozen or so of the Chili's for a one-species tank.
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If you intend adding galaxy rasboras (now called celestial pearl danios) I would cross emerald rasboras off the tank list, assuming you mean Celestichthys erythromicron, as there is evidence they can cross breed with celestial pearl danios. They are also hard water fish while all the others are soft water - remind me, is this the tank with bottled/rain water?

Edited for use of wrong word :blush:
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Thanks Essjay. First off, the tank is presently at 220ppm and 7pH.
I wil reduce the ppm to around 140 - 160 at the next water change by adding whatever rainwater I need. The pH will more than likely be unaffected.
I just love the emeralds but I have said somewhere else that I compiled a database of fish I have with whatever water parameters they are OK with.
Chili Rasboras go up to around 179ppm and the CPD's between 90 - 268.
The Emeralds start at 215 and I agree that wouldn't be good for them to be in water mixed for the benefit of the Chili's and CPD's.
I have just been and bought another 4 chili's for now.
I may just put the CPD's in and what with the shrimp may well find that's enough for now.
I'm a little messed up at present though. My new canister filter has a pretty turbulent output so the water gets moved around faster than I think the Chili's like it right now. I don't think the CPD's are keen on fastish moving water either. Must sort this out but right now I'm stuck for time.
I saw the emeralds once at Paddock Farm (before it changed hands and went downhill) and much as I would have loved them my water just isn't hard enough :(

And no, I can't have a tank just for them, it's hard enough trying to convince my husband that I don't already have too many at just two :rolleyes:

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