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Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada

I have a 20 Gal. Tank and will be selling my Cichlids as they have outgrown the tank I had 8 and am left with 2. My Zebra and my electric blue johanni. I will be selling them since they have taken over the tank.They have killed all my other tank mates. I have learned the hard way that you can not keep Chiclids in a samll tank... Before I am left with only 1 fish I will sell the remaining 2. They are my 2 favortie.

Does anybody have any suggestion for some NEW tank mates that will not over grow a 20 gal? I was looking at some tiger barbs? What goes well with Tiger Barbs?

Thanks for your help.
I keep tetras (diamond, black-skirt, serpae, silver-tip and neons) and giant danios with my tiger barbs. They are all fast swimmers and seem to be fine with them.
Wildfire said:
Would Rosy barbs be ok with tiger barbs? I really like the rosy barbs! :unsure:
Yes, I have rosy, albino and green with my tigers. Beware though Rosy barbs might need more room as my one doesn't seem to have enough room in my 19US gallon. It swims back and forth along the front all the time.
i have a 55g with 3 tiger barbs, 3 pink danios, 2 zebra danios, 1 common plec, 1 sailfin plec, 2 bolivian rams, 1 germany ram, 4 corys and 1 emperior tetra
they all do very well

the tank is highly planted with lots of stuff to break up the line of sighttigers dont bother anyone but themselves from time to time
its entertaining
Why not get a trio of cories, a school of tetras or maybe zebra danios and a pair of dwarf gouramis. That would look good and none of them would grow out of the tank :)

If you do get dwarf gouramis, either get a male and a female or 2 females or a male on his own - as a general rule, the males fight amongst themselves (although I expect there are lots of people on this forum who have 2 or more males living happily together).

rsz ^_^

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