Good Home For Clowns?


New Member
Jan 22, 2009
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Newcastle UK
My two juvenile clowns inch and a half (tank breed) are not even slightly interested in settling down, I guess this might be down to a teenage phase? Maybe they have designs on eloping somewhere as they spend most the time flying round the tank having races, looking for a way out?

I thought they might like this but nether one has even looked at it.

Thats a very nice coral, but some clowns wont ever host in their natural host never mind a coral. Its just down to the fish. Young ones dont seem as interested in hosting though. Although my LFS has a load ofjuvies in their nem tank and most of them do.
like ben said some have no interest in hosting. also give them some time sounds dumb but it may take a bit for the clowns to find it. my clown took almost 2 weeks for him to find the anemone he found it and then he found my hammer which he now hosts. so give it some time they may end up surprising you in the end.
i wouldnt want a pair hosting in an elegence anyway had to take the elegance my clowns were hosting out after it retracted so much from the clowns boisterous nature!

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