good fish to start a cycle with?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
UK yorks
does anyone now any good fish to start a cycle with....i guess puffers wont.....any loaches? plus how many fish should i get when i buy them to start a cycle?


:alien: :alien: :alien:
I believe your suppose to use fish that aren't that picky about water conditions. I believe platies are good to star with if you are doing a fish cycle.
What size tank is it, there are platys, danios,black widow tetra.
I agree with the above but if you go for platies be careful as if they breed they'll rapidly over-stock the tank while it's still cycling. Also, danios should be in at elast a 20 gallon and in a group of 5 so keep that in mind. Black widow tetras need to be in a group of 6 so do keep them in an adequately sized tank. Basicaly, go for platies for a small tank and either of the others for a larger one.

You may also want to fishless cycle which is quicker and less stressful for both you and the fish and provides more margin for error. Read the link in my signature for more information. BTW, you don't need to use pure ammonia, fish food would work too.

I am also curious as to whether anyone has tried purposefuly cycling with snails? They produce a lot of waste and I do know of instances where they cycled the tank but it was not the owner's intention so I have no idea of how long it took or similar details. I think using snails to cycle a tank might be ideal in some situations...

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