I am in the process of restarting my 10 gallon tank with a nice fancy 3D background and all. As I do this, I want to use some nice clean sand for substrate. But last time I did that it always got so dirty so fast. I had some neon tetras in the tank and no matter how little I fed them, the tetras were never hungry enough or fast enough to get the food before it sank to the bottom. Literally within a few days, the sand would be all nasty and dirty with leftover food/debris. It just looked terrible.
Could anyone suggest a fish combination/setup for a 10 gallon tank that would keep the sand substrate reasonably clean? I don't have the time to go in and suction out of the nasty stuff every 2-3 days.
Could anyone suggest a fish combination/setup for a 10 gallon tank that would keep the sand substrate reasonably clean? I don't have the time to go in and suction out of the nasty stuff every 2-3 days.