Good fish magazine?


Feb 17, 2004
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Chambersburg, PA (USA)
What's a good (prefferably FW or mostly FW) aquarium magazine available in the USA?

Aquarium Fish Magazine is the only one i've seen in stores in my area, but is it the best?

FAMA (fresh water and marine aqurium) is pretty good, they seem to be 50/50 fresh salt. but seem to prefer the salt. They do have some great betta columns and DIY columns. ( here )

Just found tropical fish hobbyist at the book store this week. it was an issue on Killis , although not my favorite species, but interesting none the less. ( Here )
rollntider beat me to recommending Tropical Fish Hobbyist. The editor in chief of that magazine is David Boruchowitz, who wrote my favorite newbie tropical fish book. He loves cichlids, osmotic stress and water changes, so be prepared for plenty of articles on those topics should you get the magazine. There are also columns on saltwater tanks and tropical gardening. And no, I don't work for the magazine :p :D
Ya, tropical fish hobbyist is the best. They sell it at petco and they also have a deal on where you get a years subsription to that one and the one you've seen for $20.00.

I get tropical fish hobbyist delievered to my house but once that subscription runs out I'm getting the amazon deal.

This month was killifish. very :cool:
I would highly recommend both FAMA and TFH. It might seem like a crazy thing to do, but save all your old issues. If you're like me, you grow in this hobby, and what doesn't interest you today may catch your eye tomorrow. For years I kept only freshwater fish, one year for Christmas my wife bought me a tank, told me I had to try saltwater, now I'm hooked on both. The articles I passed over because they didn't pertain to freshwater suddenly became invaluable. Read everything you can get your hands on.
Yep true true fishdude

I got a pond issue of tfh and I just kind of set it aside because I didn't have ponds but now that I'm thinking of starting one I'm reading the whole thing... they are valuable later on.

TFH has a little thing in the back of the book that says "Save your old issues of TFH, theire valuable..." lol.
I too would like a mag that mostly covers freshwater, but I don't think
one exists. Presently I receive both Aquarium Fish magazine and
Tropical Fish Hobbyist. I like Aquarium Fish mag better. :flex:

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