Good Fish Combos


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
ok ive done my fishless cycle and now i have 6fish they are:
*2 opaline Gouramis
*2 golden gouramis
*2 Silver sharks

in a couple of weeks i wish to get 4 dwarf gouramis and maybe 2 bristlenose catfish
Would this be a good combination for a 130 liter tank (yes i know the sharks will get to big but i have a friend that will take them from me when that happens)
annyway all help appreciated
You maybe could get more help if you post this in the 'gourami' section as you want more gouramis than any other fish that you listed.
How many gallons is 130 liters? Bristlenoses don't get large at all, but you may only need one none the less.
How many gallons is 130 liters? Bristlenoses don't get large at all, but you may only need one none the less.
34 Gallons.
You'll be fine with 2 Bristlenose Catfish but remember that they are big waste producers so good filtration and regular cleaning is essential.
Also, get either 2 females or 1 male and 1 female as 2 males are likely to fight.
I also recomend getting sand instead of gravel as bottom feeding fish prefer sand more than gravel, But you can do it as you like.
The problem will be with the gouramis. Opaline and golden are, I think, the same species (trichopterus) and they are among the most territorial of the commonly kept gouramis. So if more than one of those is a male, you can expect scales to fly. Possibly even with females.

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