Good First Nano?


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Ive just seen this tank for sale on ebay.
Its not too far from me, so pick up would be possible.
Does anyone know much about JBL?
Are the PCs on there (which he said are 72w between them) enough for soft corals, or even LPS? The corals in there now look ok...
Also, he has some tests, a refractometer, maxijet 900, salt and some other stuff I can have aswell.
For further stocking, is there much else I could add or would just the two clowns be enough (I imagine I could add some more fish to it, I was thinking a watchman goby and maybe a neon or clown goby aswell.
If I got it, I would like to add some more mushrooms, and if it would be possible with the current lights, a brain coral and/or a hammer coral. I would think the lights would need upgrading though yes?

Thanks, Mike
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I would buy everything seperately. That way you'll get exactly what you want. A 20 long is a good size.
JBJ aquariums are very good systems and as mentioned, SH has one. This particular tank looks the part that's for sure. lighting will be sufficient for a hammer coral especially in a tank that shallow. In fact it looks like he allready has a hammer or frogspawn in there. My only qualm with it would be the substrate. I prefer sand to crushed coral, but that's a minor inconvenience. If you get a good deal on it, I'd pick it up for a first tank :)
Thanks for the replys.
Yes I saw SHs topic on it, but didnt want to trapse through every post to see if he had upgraded the lighting on it, which is what I assumed really...
I would probably get a 1-2 KG piece of LR at some point too, as I think it could do with a little more for filteration purposes...
If I do get it, whats the best way of transporting the rocks and corals (will they all need to be kept submerged?). I will have a look now to see if there are any pinned topics on the matter.

Thanks, Mike

EDIT: Yeah SkiFletch, just saw that hammer on the right hand side of the photo, and he has it listed aswell as its scientific name Euphillya
Id be tempted to buy the tank, trade all the corals and livestock to a local LFS that will take them, along with the LR (unless you are really fond of the pieces). Then completely clean out the tank, throw the substrate, upgrade the main pump to a maxijet 1200 if it hasnt been already and start again, building the tank how YOU want it. Wheres the fun in an instant reef?
True, however I would be adding more corals, fish etc.
I wouldnt do that though because its the liverock and corals which are the most expensive to buy separatly.
The other option I have is my 18g, which was my original plan, until I saw this tank. The biggest problem is the cost of liverock. My LFS sells it for £13, but I think if you buy "x" ammount you get "x" ammount free...Then theres the refractometer, which will be about £25, test kits, salt etc and it all adds up when buying new.
Also, the corals this guy has must be worth over £100.
I do plan on getting a (used) MH light for it at some point with the intention of trying some SPS, but thats a while down the line.
What I could do is buy all the things that I need for the 18g, then try and find a seller (which you see occasionally) with loads of LR, some corals, livesand for sale all as one. I think ill stick with this tank though, then add what I want in and try some new things futher down the line.
What I plan on doing is offering the guy after the auction has ended, as it appears that no-one has gone past his reserve.

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