Good Enough Light?


Feb 3, 2007
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Up-State New York
So recently, i've been trying to get my tank more filled with coral. About a week ago i upgraded my more than horrible lighting, and now have 2x20 watt pc light. Not great, but a whole lot better than before. I currently only have a gsp and anthelia, but both have been doing wonderfully (especially since i found out they like weekly water changes instead of every 2 weeks :( despite the water levels).

I really love hammer coral, frogspawn, and torch coral. And would like to get a small one of any. Question is, would of the corals have any chance of surviving under this lighing? If not, what do you suggest? I never really got the medium, low, and high lighting requirements put down on sites.
Well, TBH I'm not sure as I've never heard of 20watt PC's :unsure:. Just not a wattage I'm familiar with. Can you m easure the length of the tube?
they're 24" long. I'm pretty sure they're pc. i know they're 10K :unsure:

Oooo i just remembered, i have an old lighting system that has a 20 watt bulb in it, i could stick that next to the other lights if need be.
Ok, 24" (actually 22") PC tubes are 55/65watt bulbs. If you have two of them, you can support easier LPS like hammers/torches/etc. Your light would be considered moderate as is :)

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