good egg layers (easy)


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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Okay, Okay, I want to breed fish ..... I was going to start live bearing, but i have decided a few guppies/mollies dont need a 29 gal. tank because i just want the expierance .... (not 12 dozen turning into 12,000 !!!haha) but back to my question ..... I want to do maybe two types of egg layers .....i was thinking white mtn. minnows for one and i dont know what else ???? maybe a mating pair of angels (seperate aqr.) but what are fun and easy to bread also im thinkin maybe mixing four mollies 4 guppies in a 10-20 gallon and let them "go at it" i will remove the plants and let the fry die if needed but any suggestions on easy breeders,tank sizes, exct. will be appreciated
I have some black skirt tetras and they are good egg layers. Try them.
No, most of the tetras are very hard to spawn. (I've tried cardinals, and they are not easy!). If you want the easiest egg layer, try zebra daino. Just put some marbles at the bottom of the tank, and let the nature take care of itself. You will get some surviving fries this way.
i hear zebra daino love to eat eggs .....(their own) u sure i would get a few to adult hood or should i keep a watch and try to keep the eggs safe for a few days (until hatching )
Yes, in fact, most species like to eat their eggs hence having marbles allow some of these eggs to be placed where adults cannot get to. It works! ;)
and also bout how many platties could i fit in a 29 gal. (comfortable) or sword tails in a 10-15 gal.
willywanka said:
and also bout how many platties could i fit in a 29 gal. (comfortable) or sword tails in a 10-15 gal.
This totally depends on how much work you are willing to do. Are you looking for a low maintenance tank, or you don't mind doing two 30% water changes a week?

29g is a good sized tank, but even in a 15g, you can fit quite a bit of platies if you are willing to work for it.
willywanka said:
can u explaine how the marbel method works plz ?
Nothing special - just place some good sized round marbles on the bottom of the tank. Several layers will be good. Once the fishes start to spawn, some of the eggs will fall in between the marbles which adults cannot get to. This will give the eggs chance to hatch and some fries will survive down there until they reach large enough to be with the adults.
oh how cool !!!! so make like caverns out of them ??????? but what will they do without food if theyr at the bottom ?
willywanka said:
oh how cool !!!! so make like caverns out of them ??????? but what will they do without food if theyr at the bottom ?
Food is not a problem at least initially since they all have egg sacs. Once consumed, you will need to provide some microscopic food. For me, the easiest solution was to put plenty of java moss into the tank. These plants will provide enough infusoria for them to survive. Another possibility is to grow your own infusoria which isn't very difficult.

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