Good Deal Or Not On Red Cherry Shrimp?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 14, 2008
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:unsure: Someone in my town is selling red cherry shrimp for $30.00 for 15 shrimp. Is that a good deal?
Its not a horrible deal but you could do better.
Try this. Its 25 for $25 (including 3 berried females) in the beginning but then turns to 35 for $25 because she runs out of berried females.
I wish I could sell them for that much. I the fish club around here they tend to go for $15 for 12 and then $1 each if you want a couple dozen. The stores try to sell them for $8 each or 3 or $15, but they are crazy :crazy: . But then again I live close to a big city so you have for competition around here, hence lower prices.
My LFS sells them for $1.50 each, so I'll say it's fair. You can get them cheaper online, but I like to get mine locally.

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