Good Companian For A 5gal Betta Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
Derbsyhire, England
I'm looking to add a bottom feeder to my 5gal betta tank. At first I thought either shrimp or a pair of peppered cories, but has anyone else got any good ideas?

I wouldn't add peppered corys as they'll get too big for a 5gal, somthing like panda or pygmy corys would be a better cory choice :) . Shrimp are fine though, does the tank have a filter and heater and what is your average tank cleaning regime?
I wouldn't add peppered corys as they'll get too big for a 5gal, somthing like panda or pygmy corys would be a better cory choice :)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that if they get too big I'll transfer them over to the 20gal comunity. :) But those pygmy corys look pretty nice! I haven't seen them anywhere around here though. :(

Shrimp are fine though, does the tank have a filter and heater and what is your average tank cleaning regime?

The tank is heated (24-26C) and running a UGF although I'm going to supplement this with a DIY sponge filter, or maybe even a hang on back filter.

I just got a pair of ghost shrimp from my lfs and for the first few days my betta was fine with them, then he started picking on one of them until I found him dead in my tank this morning. He is also relentlessly chasing the other whenever he sees him. I guess it all depends on the temperment of the fish.

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